Apprentice of the Month - January

To recognise the hard work of learners, our Tutors are nominating those who are doing exceptionally well throughout their apprenticeship to be awarded as our Apprentice of the Month.

Congratulations to our January Apprentice of the Month, Abbie Newton! Abbie is currently completing her Level 4 Construction Site Supervisor Apprenticeship with United Utilities and was nominated by her Support Coach, Danni.

Abbie’s Support Coach, Danni said:

“I would love to nominate Abbie for this months Learner award. She is an absolute pleasure to speak to and has made leaps of progress in the few months that I have known her. She’s a little star in the making. She asks questions, takes notes, is responsive in class and shows a real interest in her learning. She is bang up to date with her work which is a very good quality, and juggles her apprenticeship exceptionally well with her work and personal life. She is confident, knowledgeable  and doesn’t let her learning needs stop her from reaching the top of the ladder. I really look forward to speaking with Abbie, and she teaches me something every time too.”

“Abbie is growing in confidence with her abilities, she is taking on extra responsibilities and is learning how to be adaptable in a sometimes unpredictable environment.”

“Abbie loves her job, she is passionate and motivated and does her very best every day.”

“Abbie works with lots of different people. She is always willing to help anybody and has really settled in to her role.”

“Abbie has hosted a talk on Mental Health and the challenges, all of which she navigates perfectly, and communicated  this information very well to the group. She doesn’t let anything hold her back.”

“Abbie accepts any offer for help to help her achieve her qualification. Her work is a brilliant standard and she uses her own initiative to learn more every day.”