Harry Lusty - Costain

Hi, my name is Harry. I am really enjoying my apprenticeship and everything I have achieved so far. Starting my apprenticeship has allowed me to find my passion and fuel my career.

My tutor is great and always willing to go the extra mile to help us truly understand what it is we are working on. Since starting we have looked at science and materials and construction technology, both of which I have found very interesting. It’s really helpful to be on an apprenticeship scheme as I am able to study and work at the same time, giving me both on the job experience and in the classroom knowledge. I would 100% recommend an apprenticeship for anyone looking to do one as you will never get bored of the learning.

I am working for Costain as an Apprentice Quantity Surveyor which is great because it has allowed to have the support available where I have needed it. The day-to-day job is great and I can’t wait to progress and take on more responsibility, from when I started I have come such a long way thanks to the great support from my line manager. I have become competent enough and trusted to administer my own small sub-contract packages. I have assisted in forecasts and cost management and enjoy every aspect of the job.

Everyone at LSP has been super friendly and always open to questions which is important when looking for a training provider. My tutor there is great and is always willing to further breakdown tasks to make sure that no body is left out and feeling like they don't understand. Being with LSP is super helpful and convenient for me as it means I don’t have to travel to learn but I can still have the classroom level teaching from my laptop. I would recommend LSP to anyone who is unsure on who they should undertake their learning with, as they will be happy to support you along the way.

Once I have completed my level 4 HNC I hope to complete a level 5 HND and then complete the extra top up to gain my degree. Once I have gained my degree, I will then pursue the route of gaining my chartership and any other professional qualifications that are open to me. I would love to climb the ladder and eventually work my way up to something like a managing or project QS where I will have huge responsibility and be a person that others look up to.

Case StudiesKatie Walker