Get to know the LSP Team - Simon Martin

Get to know the the LSP Team

As part of a regular feature we would like to give an insight into the LSP team members. It is always nice to find out a little more about those we work alongside and many of our staff have a wealth of knowledge, interests and hobbies that would really surprise you!


Meet Simon Martin

Information Systems Manager

What sort of duties do you have at work?

I manage the IT systems and equipment for LSP, as well as helping out with additional learner support for Functional Skills.


What is the most exciting part of your job?

I get to play around with lots of new tech and equipment. Trying to find new ways to help our team to engage our learners and create inspirational content for teaching sessions.


What is the best place you have travelled to?

I have been lucky enough to travel to some great places over the years. New York was fantastic, but I don’t think you can beat the Highlands of Scotland for a bit of peace and tranquillity.


Do you have any hidden talents or hobbies? 

I like to play a bit of guitar and ukulele in my spare time.


Do you have any pets?

We have an ancient cat called Jinx. She is 19 years old and still going strong. Not that she does much other than eat and sleep.


What do you do in your spare time (if you have any)?

I love gaming. Whether that is on PlayStation or board games, it’s a great way to spend time. Music and film are passions of mine, so going to the cinema, and going to gigs, has been something I’ve really missed over the last 18 months.


What is your greatest achievement?

I’ve had a lot of achievements over the years, but I suppose being a parent is right up there. Still a work in progress though, could all go wrong! Also completing Final Fantasy VII was huge!


What is the dream car you would love to drive?

This is a really hard question. There are so many great cars. After a lot of deliberation, I’ve managed to narrow it down to either a Ford GT or an AC Cobra.


The best piece of advice you would give to your 16-year-old self?

Work out what you’re good at and what you enjoy doing. Then work out how to get paid for that.