Get to know the LSP Team - Chris Rademacher

Get to know the the LSP Team

As part of a regular feature we would like to give an insight into the LSP team members. It is always nice to find out a little more about those we work alongside and many of our staff have a wealth of knowledge, interests and hobbies that would really surprise you!


Meet Chris Rademacher


What sort of duties do you have at work?

Duties include writing lecture content and activities, delivering sessions, and supporting team leaders and operations managers through the ‘apprenticeship standards’, a 12-24 month curriculum designed to stretch and challenge leaders of all ages and ability. I work with team leaders and managers who have just started a new role along with experienced senior managers who are looking to refine their skills and take the next steps to develop their career. My daily schedule is packed with Microsoft Teams online tutorials, programme reviews that involve the employer in the process, and tracking and monitoring everything in between to make sure that key milestones are achieved along the way!


What is the most exciting part of your job?

Maybe a bit selfish, but I really love learning new and interesting stuff – and working with people who are smarter than me! I’m in a position where I can learn useful skills that help me to improve my own life. Learning organisational management is the same set of skills that we all use to manage our lives – but as a bonus, I get to talk to other people about what I’ve learned and see them improve their own lives and careers! It really is a good deal.


What is the best place you have travelled to?

That’s a tough one as I’ve travelled a lot, but I’d have to say Venice, Italy. I liked not having any particular destination and getting lost in the labyrinth. If you’ve ever been there, you’ll know what I mean!


Do you have any hidden talents or hobbies? 

I tend to rotate every few years after I get good at something, but more recently during lockdown I’ve got to say that I’ve become a pretty good chef! I specialise in Chinese stir fry, anything Mexican, and I make a mean Spanish omelette with a side of aioli.


Do you have any pets?

No, but only because I’m too busy to look after one properly. I love all (furry) animals and if life circumstances were different, I’d have a Golden Retriever. I grew up with Siamese cats and had a Miniature Schnauzer named Rocky as a kid, otherwise known as a “Rocky dog”. I swear he even barked “Yo Adrian!” from time to time.


What do you do in your spare time (if you have any)?

I probably spend far too much time with spreadsheets and working to optimise all aspects of life, but guess that’s one of the side effects of being absorbed in management ideas all day! Aside from that, I always appreciate getting outdoors for a walk or jog on a winding dirt trail in the countryside. When I have a little more time, I never say no to a good road trip, preferably to a sunny coastal area!

What is your greatest achievement?

Okay, it’s cliché but true… marrying my beautiful wife! (and it was an awesome wedding on a sunny beach with all my favourite people).

As a teenager, growing up in America, I was obsessed with athletic achievement and was at one point ranked 2nd in California as a high school wrestler and 2nd only to my weight training partner as a ‘defensive tackle’ (American football), which I owed mostly to hard work in the weight room! After school between 1999-2001, I competed in televised natural bodybuilding shows and won the junior world championships, three years in a row. After relocating to pursue an opportunity in the UK, and with an interest in business, I used the same level of determination to progress into a Director of Business Development position, which ultimately led to me achieving a Level 7 NVQ Diploma in Management, just over 15 years later.

On reflection, achievements in athletics, academics, career or otherwise are an important part of the journey, but who you spend the journey with is the most important of all.

What is the dream car you would love to drive?

Coming from a big family of car enthusiasts in the States, I’ve driven lots of cool cars. Classically, my favourite all round cool car has got to be a Ford Mustang and I’ve driven a few. My first ‘dream car’ driving experience at 16 years of age was driving a red Pontiac Firebird Trans Am. After that, in more recent years, I had the opportunity to drive a very fun and practical 1960s German manufactured ‘Amphicar’, the world’s only mass-produced passenger amphibious vehicle designed for every day use. Just like it sounds, it’s a car that you can literally drive into a lake – and I did! I would love to drive (and never have) a Dodge Viper - rear wheel drive, super-fast/dangerous. Driving a Hummve over a few big rocks and tree stumps would also be fun!


The best piece of advice you would give to your 16-year-old self?

People often don’t know as much as you think they do. Everyone is still learning! Believe in yourself and enjoy the game of life. Everything will work itself out just fine.