Top 5 Interview Tips

Have you been offered an interview and now need to prepare for the big day? We have listed our top 5 preparation steps to help you in securing your dream job. It is important to turn up to your interview with confidence, having prepared as much as possible and leave knowing that you have done your very best.

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Interview Preparation Step 1: Who are you?

In an interview it is common to be asked to describe yourself and explain why you are different to the other candidates. You should think about your strengths and relatable knowledge that will translate to the specific job role, this is when can sell yourself as much as possible by highlighting your best skills.

You should also be ready to explain why you want the job, why it will allow you to accomplish your career goals and why you are interested in working for the specific employer.


Interview Preparation Step 2: Research the company

Going into an interview with knowledge of the company will set you above the other candidates who did no research at all. It shows to the interviewer that you don’t just want a job, but are interested in the company’s service and what they offer. The main areas to research include:

What the company sells:

Ensure you have a basic understanding of what the company offers. For example, here at LSP we offer specific apprenticeship qualifications and specialise in the Automotive and Construction industries – all of this information can be found on our website. Like all other companies, websites and social media are a great place to research.

The role you have applied for:

You should understand the main responsibilities of the role. When you fully understand the role you will be able to get a clear idea of what a normal work day would be like should you be offered the job. If you are unsure of any responsibilities this can be cleared up in the interview to make sure you are happy to progress with the application.


Interview Preparation Step 3: Prepare for any questions

In order to be fully prepared it is important to consider any questions that you may be asked during the interview, these can include:

  • What are your greatest strengths?

  • What are your weaknesses?

  • Why are you interested in this job/working for us?

  • Tell us about yourself

You should always try to be ready with answers, but if you are asked any that you are not sure about try not to overthink, just be honest and specific with your answer. There are many articles online which list common interview questions and answers to help with your preparing.


Interview Preparation Step 4: Be organised

Make sure you are organised beforehand, this will make you less nervous on the day of the interview. There are several factors to consider including:


The location of the interview:

You should be provided all relevant details prior to the interview. To avoid getting lost it is advised to look up the location far in advance, as you may need to drive to an unfamiliar location or research public transport times. You may even prefer to visit the location the day before so you are familiar with the surroundings, know which building the interview will be taking place in and understand the parking arrangements that may be either onsite or nearby.


Be on time:

It is much better being early rather than late, this will give you time to stay calm and focused on the interview. If you give yourself extra time this can help with any unwanted traffic or transport delays. If something unexpected occurs that results in you being late you should always call your interviewer to make them aware.



Make sure to have your clothes ready the day before the interview. All candidates are expected to be dressed smart and clean. For example, smart trousers, shirt and a tie or an appropriate length dress.


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Interview Preparation Step 5: Ask questions

At the end of interviews candidates are usually asked if they have any questions they would like to ask. Just in case you don’t have any questions that come to mind during the interview, it is best that you have some prepared beforehand. Some common questions that can be asked are:

  • Can you tell me more about the day to day job responsibilities?

  • Where do you think the company will be in 5 years?

  • What do you like best about working for this company?

  • What are the next steps in the interview process?

  • What is the typical career path for someone in this job role?

It’s time to start preparing! Putting these five most important steps into practice will ensure you are as ready as you can be for the interview, giving you a great chance of being successful in securing your dream job. Good luck!