Skills For Life - LSP Team Development

At LSP we pride ourselves on the continuous development of our staff. As we are a training provider, it goes without saying that we are fully dedicated to the progression of our employees, offering development opportunities to suit the career goals of individuals. We have four team members, Dylan, Holly, Katie and Eleanor, who originally joined LSP as apprentices and have gone on to secure rewarding careers.

To celebrate National Apprenticeship Week we would like to highlight their progression, including how they have developed into their current roles and grown with the business over the years.

Holly Parkinson / Head of Apprenticeship Services

Holly began her career journey with LSP in 2011! Originally joining as an Employer Solutions Coordinator and then progressing to Recruitment Manager, Holly is now overseeing all apprentice recruitment/services as the Head of Apprenticeship Services. To develop into this role, Holly completed her Level 2 and Level 3 Business Administration, Level 3 Customer Service and Level 3 Management Apprenticeships to ensure she was equipped with the knowledge to advance in her chosen role and effectively manage her team. Holly is also LSP’s Health & Safety Officer and Fire Marshall!

Dylan Hopper / Head of Partnerships

Dylan joined LSP back in 2013 as an Office Apprentice, splitting his role between the administration and recruitment teams. After 3 months he moved over to the recruitment team full time and has since progressed into his Head of Partnerships role. Completing numerous apprenticeships including Customer Service, Business Administration and Team Leading provided Dylan with the knowledge and skills to excel throughout his career journey.

All three Apprenticeships gave me the opportunity to learn new skills and progress within the company… I think that’s the beauty of Apprenticeships with them being ‘hands on’, work based qualifications.”

Katie Walker / Marketing Lead

After joining the team in 2015, Katie progressed from her role as Apprentice Compliance Coordinator to Marketing Lead with the help of numerous apprenticeships, including Level 2 and Level 3 Business Administration, Level 3 Social Media and currently a Digital Marketing Degree Apprenticeship. “I have continuously received support throughout my journey with LSP, for each of my roles I have been given the opportunity to complete a relevant qualification to help me develop my knowledge further and succeed.

For anyone looking to begin their career, I 100% recommend apprenticeships to get onto the career ladder. I began my journey in administration but was lucky enough to be given the opportunity to develop into marketing, which is my dream role!

Eleanor Smith / MIS Lead

Since joining the team in 2018 as a Business Administration Apprentice, Eleanor has developed into her MIS Lead role where she oversees the administration department. So far, Eleanor has completed her Level 2 and Level 3 Business Administration Apprenticeships and looks to enhance her knowledge by completing a management/team leading qualification in the future.

I would definitely recommend that people enrol onto an apprenticeship to start off their career. Learning on the job, in my opinion, is the best way to learn. You also have the reassurance that you are likely to have a permanent job at the end of your apprenticeship too. Learning and earning money at the same time is also really motivating. Ensuring you work for a company who values their staff is also really important.”

Eleanor is also the line manager for Juliet, who started her journey as an Administration Apprentice in 2022 and has recently completed her Level 2 Customer Service Apprenticeship with a Distinction grade! We are sure that Juliet will follow in the team’s footsteps and achieve great things throughout her journey here at LSP!

Katie Walker